I've heard it said (many times) that what I believe is just "my interpretation" of the bible.
We know that the bible says that scripture is of NO PRIVATE INTERPRETATION.
"Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation." -2 Peter 1:20
The bible only teaches ONE truth, not many (Eph 4:5). A door can't be both open and closed at the same time. There is one belief that is right and that makes all other beliefs wrong. How do we know what is truth? We study the scriptures OURSELVES. We don't ask our parents, preachers, friends, etc.
There are a few "rules" to observe when we study the bible
1. Do not read into the bible what ISN'T there.
-This is called eisegesis (the interpretation of a text, esp a biblical text, using one's own ideas)
-Don't go searching through the scriptures trying to justify your own ideas. You need to look at it from unbiased point of view. Pretend you are a clean slate and have never learned anything about it when searching for truth.
2. Context is key!
-who is talking?
-who is being spoken to?
-what is the purpose of the passage?
If we don't put something in it's context, the meaning will completely change! This is dangerous! We don't want to have false beliefs---that would mean spending eternity in Hell.
3. All that the bible says on the subject must be considered.
4. If one scripture contradicts another, it has been misinterpreted.
-If you read verses that contradict what you think...but you believe a certain piece of scripture backs up what you think, then something is wrong. We have plenty of proof that the bible is the inerrant word of God. There are no contradictions. Apply all 5 rules to figure out what is truth.
5. What side of the cross is it on?
I could write a completely different blog post on this point, but I'll just sum it up as simply as I can.
We are all familiar with the fact that there is an old testament and a new testament in the bible. The old testament was the law for the Jews. Jesus came to bring the new law (new testament). Once Jesus died, the old law was abolished and the new law came into effect. (Eph 2:15, Col 2:14, Heb 9:17...basically the whole book of hebrews and the whole book of romans)
So which law are we under today?? Jesus died before we were ever born, so we are under the new law. This means we follow the rules that the new testament sets forth.
This one rule will help get rid of LOTS of confusion when it comes to the scriptures.
Here's your challenge: Give me some good examples of each of these rules. (For instance, #5 we use when talking about the thief on the cross/baptism debate.) I want to know what scriptures you use particular rules for most often. Leave them in a comment or message me.
Thanks a bunch!
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